Mark & Den's Travels
21st Aug Chiang Mai
resting up after a few hair raising days we take a TUK TUK driver out for the day.. 1st Stop Monkey School not our normal thing but these guys are all orphans and are trained to do stuff for their up keep the show was very low key and the mionkeys looked really quite happy and well looked after.
2nd stop Snake Farm Now this was different!! The trainers were doing stuff with various species I wouldn;t want to try at one time a trainer had one snake in each hand and caught a third in his mouth.. mmh!! however we did have our photo taken with a very large Python see photo's
3rd Stop Gun Range we were shooting .38 Western and .45 Koche handguns only at targets I could get hooked on this!!
4th Stop Buan Tong Luang Hill Tribe The highlight of the day for me.. These girls start having rings on their neecks at the age of 5 and increase until they reach adult. These Rings can weigh up to 5kgs and never removed until resizing is required.. Looks realy uncomfortable. The village was a little touristy evryone sat out weaving and making crafts for us to buy Yes of course we did..
Last Stop. Gem Factory A massive factory making all kinds of jewlery lovely place if you had money to spare!!
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