Been the first proper hot day here today! First time since I've been here that I've needed to wear sun cream!
Just spent to day down by the sea - there's no beach here, but there's a nice man made lagoon thing by the sea.
Done nothing at all for the other days I have been here. Spent a day wondering around the sea fro0nt and the shops. A day wondering around the botanical gardens and some rainforest. That's it though! It has been throwing it down with rain since Monday, but things look set to look up now.
Have booked to go to Cape Tribulation on Monday. I don't think there's any phone signal there and I dunno if there's internet either, as its the middle of the rainforest! Have booked to stay in this same hostel until Monday, as it's nice! Very chilled out!
Do loads of activities and tours around the cape on Monday day time, then have booked to do jungle surfing on the Tuesday morning, and doing a night nature walk thing on Tues night. Otherwise will just be chilling out round the beaches up there and the great barrier reef, hopefully!
Trying to find ways to get up to Cape York, which is the area at the very tip of the east coast of Australia - only about 90 miles from Papua New Guinea. Hardly anyone goes up there though, and tours are very expensive! (About $1000 - 500 quid) There are a load of adverts on the notice board in the hostel saying that people who are going up there have space in their campers/4WD, but they're all for the end of August! Keeping an eye out to see if there are anymore. Have been speaking to an Israli guy who has just been up there on his motorbike, and he said it was good, so really want to go! Just dunno if I'll be able to.
If not, I'll start heading down the coast after cape tribulation and a visit to the wildlife park round here - where you can hold koalas! (it's illegal to hold them in New South Wales - don't know why, think it's because they have to have their claws clipped off which they see as cruel!)
So, yeah not a lot to say really, ain't done anything! Think we're getting the bus to a beach tomorrow. Yay x
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