Our last full day in Rome. We decided it was time to take in the Vatican as well as the Borghese Villa museum which is near our hotel. Unfortunately it was a very rainy day. We bundled up and firmly pressed our Tilley hats on our heads as they work great to keep rain off your glasses. Off we went, It’s quite a walk across Rome to get to the Vatican and as we were accosted by an unending slew of people selling umbrellas it took longer than normal. Are they crazy, these umbrella jockeys, we have Tilley’s! Our biggest problem beyond never walking in the right direction was not getting our eyes poked out from all those umbrella wielding tourists. On we went, realizing our direction was slightly off we would correct only to do so a few more times. Our map quite quickly lost its folding ability as it was falling apart. Did that bother us? “No, once again we don’t need an umbrella!!!” We finally corrected our direction a final time only to realize the Vatican closed in 20 minutes to new entries as it is Sunday and the chances of us making it were slim to none if you factor in that getting lost is our middle name. New plan, let’s look in some store windows and then make a new plan. Ok, back to the hotel area and we’ll go to The Borghese villa museum. Unbelievably it only took us about an hour and we arrived. Dang it, you need a reservation. No problem, we got one for 3. Let’s have lunch somewhere that takes two sopping and I do mean sopping wet patrons in cool hats. Around the corner from our hotel we find a place. We remove our coats and the hood from my coat, which thirsty folks from across the world would be glad for its water containing vessel properties, promptly deposited a fairly large amount of water on the floor. Oops, at least it didn’t go down the back of my neck. We ate, then walked to the hotel to dry off and wait the 30 minutes. Dry socks jammed into wet shoes and back we go outside. It’s now not just a steady drizzle but a serious downpour. Soaking wet Tilley’s pushed firmly down on our heads, we venture on. “No, we’re already soaked, we don’t want your damn umbrella. “ We jump puddles, cross roads and run awkwardly towards the museum. In we go. Luckily we get to pay an extra 5 euros each as someone has decided juxtapositioning Picasso’s works of insanity with the paintings and sculptures of the greats is a good idea. Think the statue of David or the one in our cover photo beside your 2nd graders picture of Daddy. Very cool but she’s your child and you have to like it. Bill especially didn’t get and wanted his 5 euros back as he promised to not look at them. I, at least tried although let’s face it I didn’t get it either. Each room we were met with stunning works from talented painters, sculptors and Picasso. It was very interesting. Luckily it was not pouring when we came out however the umbrella jockeys were still around. He, the closest jockey to us honestly didn’t try that hard as we were dripping pretty steadily already. He might have shook his head back and forth as we passed him but now it would be just silly to buy an umbrella. Maybe if Bill had got his 5 euros back for Picasso.
We’re now tucked safely in our hotel room. Our clothing and our Tilley’s spread out across the furniture dripping onto towels. Another great day. Bill would like to go out for dinner, I’m thinking there’s a squished granola bar at the bottom of the suitcase. I won’t win this one, hopefully I can find another pair of dry socks to put on!!!! Tomorrow is Venice.
- comments
Harold Now that was a good read and a great experience. Where too next?
Lorine We’re in Venice.
Dominique Too funny, if you encounter more rain on your vacation, you might regret not buying an umbrella. ;). I don't get Picasso either, but it sounds like you enjoyed Rome. Happy travels.