Well I had almost made it to 2 months before I got sick, and it wasn't even just a cold or flu, this was proper bad!!After my trip to Yogyakarta and my pedicure which felt great at the time, had now not seemed like a good idea as my foot was in alot of pain and I was finding it difficult to walk now.After a couple of days I spoke to Ms. Regina and asked if it would be possible to go to the doctors as the pain was getting worse and was not sure how much longer I could cope with it.On Tuesday the doctor's appointment was made for 7:30pm, unheard of in England, and I went home after school for a nap before having to get ready to go.I was picked up and Kate came with me as moral bule support and we went to the doctors, when we arrived it looked like a normal doctors surgery, it was done on a first come first services basis and as we arrived 1st I would see the doctor first when she was ready.As we waited, because Kate hadn't eaten she got food and ate in the waiting room, we were both a bit confused by this but Ms. Regina said this was fine and it didn't matter, we were surprised as at home this would be frowned upon.Eventually the doctor was ready and we all went into the office, because of the language barrier I had to rely on Ms. Regina explaining to the doctor what was wrong and hoping that it would be given correctly.The doctor looked at my ankle and explained that it was infected and she would be giving me some medication to help, I was given antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and painkillers to help.I thanked the doctor for her help and returned home to get some sleep.I started the drugs the following morning and hoped they would kick in quickly as the pain was getting worse.
By Thursday the pain had got a lot worse and my ankle was looking 10x worse than it had originally, I couldn't walk at all now and was hobbling around school, everyone kept stopping me and asking what was wrong.I saw Ms. Regina and she said that she thought we needed to return to the doctors again as it was looking worse, my foot was very red and I could see the infection and pus filling in my ankle.We arranged for me to go back to the doctors that morning during my break from school, as it needed to be drained.We arrived at the surgery at 9am and were the first again to see the doctor, but this time we had to wait for quite a while, when Ms. Regina asked why the long wait, she told me the doctor had gone to market, cause that makes perfect sense when you have a waiting room full of patients, hehe.Eventually we made it in and she looked at my ankle again and she agreed that it had to me drained too, I lay on the bed and she prepared my ankle, as I bit down on my thumb to stop me screaming she pierced the wound and then told me she was done, she did not squeeze the pus out and I thought this was a little strange, she wasn't even going to dress it, till I asked her about it, she finally put something on it to cover it, not like it would have been at home and I returned to school.When I came back my children were really worried, as I had taken them to Music, but hadn't been there to collect them or for snack and Ms. Nina (my aid to one of my children) had explained I had had to visit the doctor.I managed to last the rest of the day and returned home, in the evening Kate came round so that we could organise our weekend away to Jakarta and Java Jazz Festival, through the evening I was fine as was distracted and talking with the girls.When we had finished I had to have a shower, trying to walk was even more painful and I could hardly walk now, I stood in the shower on one foot crying my eyes out, as I was in so much pain, I just wanted to be home in England as I would know that it would be better, it was making me very homesick.As I came out of the shower still crying, Chrissy came out of her room to see if I was ok, I was in so much pain I didn't know what to do with myself, as I was lying there I got some amazing news, my friend had given birth to her new daughter, it was so exciting and made me even more homesick, but was so excited for them, welcome to the world Ruby and congratulations Jen and Matt.We tried to call Ms. Regina, but because it was so late she didn't answer, in the end Kate came down, because Chrissy was not feeling 100% as she was getting a migraine, so she went back to her room.Kate helped me clean the wound and re-dress it and tucked me into bed and left me to sleep, I haven't been tucked into bed in a long time, so it felt a little strange, but sweet, hehe!!
The next morning it was still very painful and Ms. Regina rang me to apologies for the fact she had answered her phone, she asked if I wanted to stay home, but being the dedicated teacher that I am, hehe, I went in, but she said that we would look at it once I got to school to see if I needed to return to the doctors.Once at school, she suggested that we went to see one of the P5 student's dads as he was a doctor, as she had spoken to him about it previously.We just turned up at his house (which according to the Lonely Planets Guide is very rude, but not my decision), he was so sweet and looked at my ankle and prescribed me new antibiotics and vitamin C tablets (as that fixes everything here) and told me to rest my ankle.When I returned to school, I sat in my hard plastic chair with my foot up, when one of the office girls came in pushing the school directors leather comfy chair for me to use for the day, it was lovely and if you sat back it reclined a little, I could have quite easily have fallen asleep.I was not allowed out of the chair, so my children had great fun pushing around the classroom.
Over the next couple of days my ankle started to heal and is now a lot better, moral of the story, don't get a pedicure in Indonesia, lol!!
lots of love to everyone reading
- comments
Hannah Johnson Hi Hayley, How are things over there? Sorry to hear about your foot but I'm glad it's getting better! In february we went to Florida and Disney and had a great time! Mummy wanted to know if you were affected by the earthquake? Speak to you soon, Hannah xxx :-)
Hayley things are good here although got a lot of work at the moment, as our children are having exams and also we have got no holidays, so all of the teachers are a little bit stressed and tired!! Tell your mum that we were not affected by the earthquake, there was a tsunami warning for indonesia, but that was for a different island, but we are all fine here!! Florida sounds fun, bet you have a good tan from that! How is school going for you? Say hi to everyone at your end and hopefully we can skype soon! xxx
Hannah Johnson Hi Hayley, Sorry it too so long to get back to you. I have told Mumumy and she said that is good. Tests can be boring but it's fun finding out your results! Florida was great and I still have a tan from it!!!! School is going great and my report is going home next week! Any ideas of when we can skype? Speak to you soon, Hannah xxx
Hayley Pearce so sorry i haven't replied Hannah! a tan is always good and im def starting to develop a tan, I have flip flop marks, which is exciting, hehe!! I'm away this weekend, going to Bali, but maybe the following weekend we can arrange a skype time? Hope you got a good report (I know you probably did)? love hayley xxx
Hannah Johnson Hi Haley, It's alright! must be exiting to have flip flop marks!!!!! Hopefully we can do skype soon! my report was great thanks!!!!! next week im going on my schools anual french trip, without mummy, daddy or rhys!!!!! Speak to you soon, Hannah xxx
Hayley Pearce so sorry I havent replied to your message, have been travelling loads at the weekends and been really busy with school, although would love to skype with you again soon! how was the french trip? i bet you had an amazing time! where in france did you go? xxx
Hannah Johnson Hi Haley, In France I had great fun thanks!!! We went to Ardres! How is it in your school? When is best for you to do Skype? Speak to you soon, Hannah xxx
Hayley Pearce sounds like fun, france is lovely!! i'm away again this weekend, but next weekend should be good for skype, I will send your dad a message in facebook to let you know, what time is best for you? school is good, we have a field trip next friday, so that will be exciting, then not long till the end of the year, children finish on 17th june!! xxx
Hannah Johnson Hi Haley, Thanks for calling on skype! France was awsome.... also extreamly wet with all the water sports but the weather was great with no rain for the whole week! We had to sleep in tents at night with no heating so one night I had four layers on!!! "Hello Hayley! How is it feeling over there? How are you? How is your foot now? How has it been today, Rhys xxx" Speak to you soon, Hannah xxx