First Few Days Teaching
Firstly I need to apologise for not posting on here recently, school has been so manic and I am still trying to get into a routine at the moment, as things need changing a lot.
Well P1 South America are officially mine now and I am responsible for teaching them.I was a little scared to say the least as it was a new country, new school and a completely different routine, but I was up for the challenge!!
I had a few plans for the day, but as a said early things needed changing a lot, and it was going to take time for the children to get used to these changes, as they have been used to worksheet after worksheet and that is defiantly not my teaching style!!
I also have some characters in my class that are going to need to be sorted out but all in time.There are so many little things that the children should be doing already but are not, like sitting on the carpet nicely, putting their hand up, these are all things I have got to work on with them!!
I am also trying to get to grips with the planning, assessment, homework (which is given most nights), routines, children and many more things too.
After my first day teaching I had to report to the emigration office, this meant having my photo taken and fingerprints taken so I could get my identity card and get my passport back.The following week meant a trip to the police station for more fingerprints to be taken (just in case I decide to become a criminal) and then it was off to the bank open an account so I can be paid, woohoo!!
As well as school, I have been keeping busy trying lots of new foods and going out with the girls from school, everyone is so friendly and I definitely wouldn't be able to do this without them, they are all so supportive and helpful!!
Will post again soon, when I have some more exciting news to tell you, probably after my birthday, which is in 3 day, so excited! Will be nice to experience it in a different culture and country with my new friends, but will be missing all my friends and family at home!!
Until next time! Lots of Love xxx
- comments
auntie sal Hi babe glad ur enjoying ur new experience, it all looks very nice food, friends etc look forward to hearing how your birthday goes xxxxxx
jan lamond hi hayley im enjoying reading your blogs looks like you are settling in ok hope you have a really happy birthday take care xxxxx
Sue Johnson Hi Hayley, Happy Birthday! It's still the 26th here, although I can see it's now Thursday there. Glad to hear you are settling in, and enjoying it. We've thought about you quiite a lot and hoped you were OK. Nick has been looking at your postings on Facebook and letting me know what you've been up to. Take care and hoped you enjoyed your day! Love Sue, Nick, Hannah & Rhys x
Hannah Johnson Hi Hayley, Happy Birthday!!! I'm missing you a lot! How is it in Indonesia???? Hope you are having a great time! Love from, Hannah xxx
Hayley Pearce hi Hannah!! thank you for your birthday wishes, had a lovely day and my new friends surprised me by taking me to a lovely restaurant by the sea and we ate some really nice seafood!! Indonesia is really good, but very different to England, it is very hot and school is nothing like England, we start at 7am and finish at 1pm, so very early mornings here, do you think you would be able to do that? You will have to ask mum and dad if they have skype, then we can see each other and i can show you round my house here! love Hayley xxx
Hannah Johnson Hi Hayley, We have got skype and would you like to do it 10am on Saturday (we think that's 5pm where you are)? I don't think I'd be able to do the school times there!!!!! Glad you are well and had a good birthday and birthday meal! Thanks for replying, Hannah xxx
Hayley Pearce hey hannah, that should be ok, but not 100% what I have planned for tomorrow, if I can't skype at that time I will give your mum a txt to let her know and will definitely arrange for another time!! My skype name is 'LittleMissHales' hope you can find me! xx
Hannah Johnson Hi Hayley, That's great and should be fine! Had a look at your birthday pics, looks like you had a great time then..... nice surprise! Glad you are well, Hannah xxx
Hannah Johnson Hi Hayley, How is it over there? Hope you are well!!! It's my birthday on Sunday and sleepover on Saturday!!!!!!! How are the school days going????? Speak to you soon, Hannah xxx
Hayley Pearce HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! so sorry haven't replied to your message Hannah, haven't been on for a while and don't get anything to inform me someone has left a message!! how was the sleepover? did you get lots of lovely pressies? things are good here, just celebrated chinese new year last week so had a day off, which is always nice, hehe!! school days are good, and def in a routine now which is always helpful!! speak soon! xxx
Hannah Johnson Dear Hayley, Thanks!!!!! Don't worry I don't mind you haen't replied. The sleepover was great and we stayed up until 1:30am!!!!! I got an iPad from Mummy and Daddy! Nice to have a day off! A routine always does help! We're going on holiday to Florida next Thursday! Glad you are well, Hannahxxx