Before I get started, please could I send one small request, if you are commenting on my blog, please can you put your surname, so I know who you are, just makes it easier, as have friends with the same first name! Thanks xx
First Weekend in Indonesia
The weekend is here and all the travelling has caught up with me, so a lazy weekend was in order.Didn't wake up till about 11am on Saturday, gradually got out of bed and wandered about the house and finished unpacking, making my room feel a little bit like home, I got my pictures arrange on the wall to remind me of everyone that I love and miss loads from home too.After a while, I text Kate to see if she was still ok to take me to the supermarket to get some bits, so that I wouldn't starve, hehe!!This was another first as we caught the 'bus', I put it in inverted commas, because it was not like a bus at home, now how to describe looks like a little mini-van with seats down the side in the back and the door is tied open, to allow everyone to get on and off.It was defiantly an experience I've never had before, we arrived at the supermarket called 'Giant' and it lived up to its name, the only thing it reminded me of was a Tesco Extra, with everything in.As I was with Kate, I didn't feel I could wander round the whole store, which is what I wanted to do, but I'm sure there is plenty of time for that!!As we went round, I was feeling a little overwhelmed and confused by all the different items on the shelves.As we wandered I picked up items and put them in my trolley, some familiar, some not so!! There were some items that I think are going to become my best friend while here in Indonesia, one being 'Skippy Peanut Butter'!!!!After spending about £35 on all my shopping, including food, a pillow, bug spray and other items, we caught the bus back home!!
When home I spoke to Chrissy about the internet, it is in her room at the moment, but said I could use it and luckily had a long enough cable that managed to reach my room and got to speak to my parents on Skype for the first time since arriving, which was really nice to hear familiar voices, it was short but really good to catch up!I was off out again for dinner with some of the teachers from school, as Chrissy was not feeling very feel and nor was Kate, it was a good opportunity to get to know some of the others, I met Ms Sharon (who lives with Kate and is from the Philippians), we caught a Becak to the restaurant, where we met Ms Lysbet, Ms Indah and Ms Ocha.It was a lovely restaurant; we sat outside, where there was a pool in the middle and a band playing.Again I had no idea about what to order, I decided on Sirloin Steak and Chips, I know your all thinking that is very English, but it is nothing like the steak I have had or seen at home (trust me I have seen a lot).The steak, was so small and I got about 5 chips (see picture in 'Indonesian Food' album), therefore had to order a side of rice to make it more filling!!After, Ms Sharon met another Pilipino, she knows in Cirebon and we went up into the mountains for some corn (this being corn on the cob ~ finally something I recognise) and sat overlooking Cirebon eating and chatting.It was a really nice end to the evening.
Sunday arrived and again didn't get up till about lunch time, still very tired from the travelling, but didn't want to spend it all in bed so got up and thought it might be a good idea to do some washing after buy washing powder shopping the day before.Now this is an experience I will not forget and will not miss when I leave Indonesia, no washing machines here, well definitely not at our house anyway, so it was down to hand washing everything, let me tell you it is boring and hard work and I'm not 100% sure I even got everything clean and I am pretty sure I didn't get all the soap out, but I had done it and I was happy with that!! Made some lunch (peanut butter sandwich ~ told you Skippy would be my new best friend) and got the internet connected, I spent the whole afternoon catching up with friends, which was so lovely and didn't want the conversations to end, but as they say all good things have to come to an end eventually.I'm sure there will plenty more times that Skype and Facebook chat will be used!!Later that evening Kate and I went to the one of the Street Stalls, it was nice to have noodles rather than more rice, my whole meal came to 7,000rp (50p), a bargain and makes me think even more so it's not worth cooking, hehe!!
Now was time for an early night, after my shower using the 'Mendi' and preparing for school the next day, I got into bed and tried to sleep, but I think the nerves of the next day, made it a really bad night sleep.
Until next time!!
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