Friday Night in Indonesia
After a very tiring day at school, the girls suggested going out for dinner and a few drinks, it definitely sounded like a plan to me. Kate explain that there is only one place that you can get alcohol in Cirebon, unless you buy it at the supermarket, because it is not really tradition for woment to go out and drink in Cirebon. We got ourselves ready and made our way out!! This was my first experience of a Becak (three-wheeled bicycle rickshaw, where the driver sits at the rear, with you at riding up front) slightly scary at the best of times, let alone when it is dark and they do not have lights, there are also NO traffic laws in Indonesia, so its a case of hang on for your life and pray, I will need to get used to it as it is a main mode of transport here!
We arrived at the restaurant safely, we enter what felt like a quite a posh restaurant, we had to order our food from a selection of different dishes, again I had no idea what anything was, so Kate asked what I liked to eat, that is always a difficult question to answer, as at home I know what everything is and how it will come out once cooked, but everything is so different here!She helped me choose so bits and if all else failed I knew there would be rice to fall back on (as it is served with EVERYTHING).We sat down and ordered our drinks, I choose 'Fanta' thinking I would be pretty safe with that, but I couldn't be far from the truth, it came out a very bright red colour, I gave it a try and OMG I am in love, it is strawberry flavour and tastes quite like cherryade.When the food arrived, I gave it all a try, some bits were more spicy that I really like, but I found something I did really like, it is called 'Perkedel' it is a fried potato and is very yummy!!
After our 30,000rp (£2.14) dinner we made our way over to the bowling alley, which is one of few places that serves alcohol, they do not have a lot of choice, so the only option was 'Bintang' beer, which is actually quite nice.I ended up have a few more than I was planning on and with a combination of the alcohol and the jet lag, I soon became quite tipsy, whoops!!Kate and I left leaving the others and I returned for my bed, which I was looking forward too, as I knew I did not have to get up in the morning, yippee!!
More very soon, thanks for reading and love getting your comments!!
- comments
Sam I want to try strawberry Fanta... :)