We left Bramwell Station (12/7/12) and headed south stopping at Moreton Telegraph Station, Coen and Musgrave Station before heading Lakefield National Park and to the Hahn River Crossing camp sites. Amazing landscape particularly the high plains that were scattered with termite mounds.The campsite had a crocodile warning on entry - fantastic!. Nice camp ground right by the river. Today (13/7/12) I went for a walk with Julieanne, Carl and Aidan to a waterhole about 500 metres from the campsite - beautiful. Josh and I went for a drive through the park after lunch stopping at the pink lily waterhole which was pretty and filled with birds and a few pink lillies. It would be an amazing sight when all the lillies flower. We also saw the Breeza Outstation with it's 100 year old mango tree. Was a hot and quiet afternoon with a few beers. Tomorrow we head to the Daintree!
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