So today was a bit of a stressful one. Our car seems to judder at 70/80kmph so we booked it into the garage to have a look and they sorted what was wrong and changed filters etc. We test drove it after and it's fine - but there's still a slight judder and the mechanic said 3rd gear was damaged and the balljoint may go soon. So this has put us off as we were hoping to get at least a little something for this car when we finish our trip, (as we increased our budget for it) and it's looking unlikely at the moment. So tomorrow we are taking it to a few garages to see if they'll trade it in for something else. Despite the problems with this car, the mechanic said we got a good deal.. (though it doesn't feel like it) and he said it should be fine for another 80,000km - so I guess it's difficult with cars, especially used.. you just can't predict what will go wrong. If we can't find a car tomorrow to trade, we will take it back to the dealer for a refund and look for a car in Alberta.
On a lighther note.. we saw 'River Rock Casino' which is a very fancy hotel near to the garage we took the car to. So we thought we'd pop in for refreshment stop. Whilst we were there we thought we'd go into the casino, as I've never been in one in my life and it would be interesting just to look around. I decided to put 5 $ into a slot machine and on the first spin I won 54 $! So I cashed it in and that was my small and last casino gamble for the day. Jacob also came out 11$ better off. Afterwards, we headed back to the apartment for a few hours and went to pick up the car at 6pm. It seemed a lot better than when we'd dropped it there, but with what the mechanic said about certain things, we've decided the search for trade-ins tomorrow will be best.
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Margaret Ogier gosh what a day take care love M,J and Granny Betty