Work was quite good today.. it went super fast and it was a quiet day, so we finished 15mins early. Our supervisor said she had a present for the three of us working, so we went up to the restaurant and got to tuck into a delicious doughnut from Tim Hortons.. They had bought two huge selection boxes full of different flavours. I had a maple iced one and Jacob had a very chocolatey one. Yummy!
After work we headed to Hinton to get more groceries as we were desperately in need of some fruit juice and some refreshing drinks for this hot weather other than water. They had lemon ice tea 'zero' stuff on offer so we stocked up on that and wildberry and apple juice which we like having for breakfast. I bought some cinnamon and apple crunch cereal which looks good - a kind you can't get in UK, so I'm looking forward to trying that! The milk here reminds me of Guernsey milk, as they're in the same type of carton.. unfortunately doesn't taste as good as Guernsey milk though. I love their fruit selection here - it always looks very appealing the way it's displayed in big perfect shaped mountains and I like that they have a Starbucks bar in the Safeway, so you can grab a drink whilst shopping, which we took advantage of last time we went.
So, you're probably wondering why my blog is titled 'Gherkins'.. Well, it's just because I've discovered they're actually not so bad and I ate some today! It's a big thing for me as I've always detested them and thought they tainted any food that they're on.. but they're actually quite nice! Now, don't get any ideas though.. I don't want to come home to a gherkin pie or a gherkin tea party especially for me or anything.. They can stay as the occassional garnish for a burger or whatnot.
When we got back to our house, we heard some rustling outside our window. We thought it might've been the bear but it turned out to be two lovely deers grazing away on the grass outside. We watched them for a bit, but once they saw us, they decided it was time to go. They're in this blog picture if you can spot them (they're quite camouflaged).
So it's now 9:30pm. We did get asked if we wanted to join a couple of our housemates on an evening hike.. but we've got to be up early for work tomorrow (boring I know) and they have a day off so we've passed on that one. Don't want to be eaten alive by midges and mosquities at this time either.. It's time to watch Big Daddy on youtube as it's one of the decent freebies on there, and settle down for bed!
- comments
mum Wow, what a view from your window, it must be so nice living in such a natural /nature looking environment & to see such cute deer's so close. It was a nice gesture to get your doughnut treat. Look forward to the Skype date lol love you & miss you lots xxx p.s. just going to look up some gherkin cake to make you :) he he