Today was a fairly busy day at work. We had a lot to do and it took a while to get the cabins they close for winter all up to standard for the new season! The weather was lovely today too, which made things more pleasant. It's fun driving the buggys about, catching the amazing backdrops of the mountains.
After work we headed to Hinton to do a grocery shop as we ran out of milk. So I drove us there - and we decided we ought to sign up for a Safeway clubcard seeing as it'll save us lots (we should have signed up sooner really - as could've made lots of savings in Vancouver too!) Oh well, better late than never hey. We got some funny looking peperoni like sausages to try - so far I haven't liked the sausages here. They're far too salty and have an odd flavour. And we've bought our first block of cheese. Decided to go for what we know as most of the other cheeses look edam-like or plasticy! Not only that but cheese is very expensive here.. over $5 for a small block. Jacob also spotted some limited edition Oreo cookies that were birthday cake flavour (probably in England too?), so thought we'd give them a try. They're not so great, but Jacob thinks so..
Our evenings so far have consisted of watching silly/cheesey American films that are on TV, watching the ice hockey as we've got into that since going! And enjoying the drives to shop for food! Just living a normal life out here as we would back home (so yeah, starting to settle in!) Yet with simply amazing scenery that you really can't beat. Can't wait for our days off so we have time to go for walks and venture out to see the mountains and lakes!
- comments
Margaret Ogier lovely to have your news I was thinking does it cost you lots to send these blogs or for us to reply? if you do have to pay now you safe and settled once a week update be lovley its been great and special to read your progress along the way Granny betty puts her galsesses and studies them with care and they then get passed round al her cronies and stella. Take care big hugs to you both M,J&GB
phineybean hi margaret. no you don't have to pay it is all free. love clint
Laura Hi Margaret - no, no fee at all. It's free. Using the blog for myself too, so want to update it pretty much everyday whilst I remember what I've been up to - as can get it made into a book at the end of my trip for myself. Thanks for your concern though. Mum can update GB if it saves you paper too. Hope you're all well. Love to you all xx