Had my last wee lie in in Queenstown in a double bed in a room by myself, quite gutted and didnt really want to get up as I have no idea when its gonna happen again :( Am actually so gutted to be leaving Queenstown as I've had such a nice time here with everyone and they have made me feel so welcome! They included me in everything, even managed to help out with some stuff around the kitchen, I am now a pro at preparing a cheese board! Before I left Heather gave me a back, shoulder and neck massage, which was awesome! Should probably say that Heather is a physiotherapist and works from home. Could just have stayed here forever and ever, however i suppose i hav to get on with me travels at some point!
So me and Whytey flew back to Christchurch this afternoon. Bit disappointed when we landed as it was very overcast and not very warm unlike the sunny hot Queenstown we had just left! Never mind tho, we r off to Sydney tomorrow for some glorious sunshine!
Not really doing much while we r here as we need to get up stupidly early for our flight tomorrow morning, should really be used to this by now, will feel just like being back at work lol! Wandered round town and bought a few wee bits of jewelery as they was a half price sale on in Bling. Stopped on the way home for a Slavaki (no idea how to spell that) and it was amazing! Its like a nan bread wrap with chicken salad and sauces in it, well yummy! Just gonna sit in tomight and make sure everything is sorted and mayb watch a bit of tv.
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