Norway - day five
We woke to fog blanketing the lake and valley this morning. It was quite pretty, although somewhat annoying. We left in search of glaciers not sure if we'd even be able to see them.
In our very first tunnel for the day, half way through dad met a truck (with trailer) piled high with logs. After a short panic from everyone dad started reversing out of the tunnel. No easy feet as these tunnels aren't straight and there is the constant worry of traffic entering. He did very well and the truck was able to pass and we were back on our way. For a little perspective, there was about a metre beside the truck so no way of passing.
The water in the rivers is quite a sight. Churning and swollen but fog rises of it. I've never seen anything like it before. It's hard to get a photo as its quite wet.
We found the was AMAZING!!!!
We walked over to it and mum and dad were going to do a glacier walk but with the amount of rain they have had they stopped running them. By the time we made our way back to the ferry to carry us back to our car the river had risen even more. The ferry guy said it was a metre higher than it usually is. We were all very wet and cold.
Not far from Nigardsbreen we found two more, Bergsetbreen and Tuftebreen. They are part of Jostedalsbreen, the largest ice mass on the European continent - 480 square km, 1600-1800 m above sea level and the entire ice sheet is 40km in length.
We headed in the direction of our cabin (and dry clothes) half-heartedly looking for a grocery store. It was amazing seeing the rivers churning and so high, much higher than they have been. Im not surprised though, the amount of water that is flowing from the mountains. Everywhere you lookthere were waterfalls. We found a grocery store and stocked up for the next few days and bought a hot chook. It was very nice to have some warm food and a hot cup of tea.
We are currently sitting and waiting for a car ferry to take us to Urnes Stave Church. But I will leave it there.
Side note: we get to wash and dry our clothes for 45NOK ($9) but everything is so wet we will need to. Will be good to have clean clothes.
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