Goodbye beautiful islands! Everything had got quite wet overnight but the rain had pretty much stopped plus we had a kitchen shelter to pack our gear up in. So we set off yet again and made our obligatory stop at SeicoMart for morning tea (Elsie wanted a sausage and Edamame and that is exactly what she got, I wanted a coffee and the obligatory Kara-age chicken and that is what I got!). Once everyone was satiated we took off to the southern end of the island to have a look. About 5 km past the ferry terminal the road ends and some amazing cliffs begin. It was neat to cycle through the small fishing villages and imagine life on this isolated wild weather island.
Back to the ferry terminal and the two hour trip to Wakkanai. Elsie ran about the boat charming people as she does and I clung to my window seat trying hard not to get seasick. When we got off in Wakkanai it was pouring with rain so we sheltered for a bit to see if it would pass. While there we thought we would just ask someone to phone the camp to ask if they had any cabins available (the same cabins we stayed at last time), thinking its mid-week so they're probably available. Alas the answer was "no" so we felt a bit stupid and sorry for ourselves then decided we would book one for tomorrow night and go and camp in the rain anyway.
The rain had eased so we set off, first stop, supermarket for groceries, second stop, Victoria's for a late steak lunch (they do pretty reasonably priced steaks plus salad and soup bar - free for Elsie!).
We thought we may as well take our time since we were heading for a wet tent anyway.
We finally set off in the rain and cycled the remaining 6 km to the camp getting sopping wet and splashed by passing cars. When we finally dripped our way into the foyer we thought we would double check about the cabins, and luckily for us, there was one of the larger (and more expensive) ones available. Yay! We have a cosy home for the night (and tomorrow night) and space to dry out all our gear. Feeling so grateful (and dry) right now. Elsie seemed pretty happy to come back to somewhere familiar too.
25 kms cycling for today.
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