Yay! We made it to Wakkanai. 76km for today and all possible because of a fierce tailwind (up to 50 km an hour). At times we didn't even have to pedal. Plus it was mostly flat. I did have to go back a km or so when we lost our flag and it was such hard work in comparison, plus I didn't find it.
We followed the coast road which was miles and miles of beautiful but desolate coastline, just a toilet/ rest area every 25 km or so. One had an inside area so we kept warm out of the wind for an hour and a half or so while we discussed options for tonight. Chatted to another cycle tourist.
We decided to come here to Fureai park and then I managed to convince Shane to get a cabin for the night again. This is about ten steps up from last night's cabin though (and three times the price). So cosy and comfortable and fully self contained. We've had a bath and a beer and we're just relaxing in front of Japanese cartoons enjoying the great indoors. Oh, and there is the most amazing indoor playground for Elsie with ropes, climbing walls etc etc.
We were hoping to stay two nights but they're fully booked tomorrow so may have to pitch the tent tomorrow night! All up we've done about 400km of our journey. Next to Rebun and Rishiri islands and, of course, Cape Soya (the top of Japan).
By the way, Dad, it's quite bizarre, you can buy a 400 mil can of Sapporo beer for 400 yen or you can get a whole bottle of French merlot for 450. We're having both tonight!
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