Despite a rest day yesterday Elsie was pretty tired today and it was really cold, only 11 degrees, which made for tough going. Felt like we had to stop every ten minutes to deal with cranky, whiny tired child syndrome but we still managed to go 43 km and see a few sights along the way. We also spent quite a lot of time in an actual supermarket (such a novelty after only having convenience stores for so long). Plus we promised Elsie we would stop at a playground and when we finally found a rusted out sorry excuse for one we stopped to play for ages. She didn't seem to notice!
She finally dropped off to sleep in the trailer just as we made it to a nice campground so we decided to keep going another 13 km to the next one. Unfortunately she woke up within a couple of kms but we carried on and resorted to the iPad to keep her happy.
We stopped to see a heritage building and they advised us the camp we were going to was closed but offered for us to camp behind the building. He also gave us free coffee (uh oh Shane drank coffee!) and made us sit inside out of the cold. We could've carried on to freedom camp but decided it best to accept the hospitality once again. Not the most idyllic but a beautiful sunset spot plus we have free wifi and an emergency exit (tsunami stairs). Cooked up a nice vege, tofu curry rice pretty quickly and got the child off to sleep by 7pm.
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