14. Eleutheromania (n.)
Origin: Greek
An intense and irresistible desire for freedom
After passing several other exciting English landmarks and monuments we arrive at Trafalgar Square. The towering monument of Nelson. Horatio, what a fun name!! I will always think of CSI...
Horatio Nelson died in the battle of Trafalgar hence why his monument is in Trafalgar Square. Fun fact alert!! Every distance that is measured to London is from this point.
Also a slightly amusing story about his death as well. He died during the battle but his final wishes were o be buried on English soil. As they were still about 2 weeks sail back home the senior command came up with a brilliant idea to keep his body in a barrel of whiskey to preserve his remains until they arrived. However when they arrived the barrel was considerably lighter..... The soldiers had obviously found the full whiskey barrel and celebrated. This made me cringe.... Clearly the drinker they got the less horrible it would taste. Thats where the term stiff drink originated from.
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