15. Livsnjutare (n.)
Origin: Swedish
One who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme
Buckingham Palace and the Queen is in!! It would be rude not to pop in on my future grandmother. FUN FACT ALERT!! I did learn that the Queen Mother was a bit of a fan of a Gin and Tonic. When asked why she lived to such a ripe old age she replied that she had a G&T at 10am and then every hour one the hour following. My kinda health regime! Gym and nutrition out the window!!!
Actually really glad that were recommended to come on this walking tour, as the main thing we wanted to see, the changing of the guards, takes over an hour and a half to complete. And on this tour you get to see the highlights over about half an hour and get to be entertained with comical English history in between!
The palace itself is so grand and my favourite story that Angus, our tour guide, shared was a homeless man breaking in, not once but twice in 1978. The second time he ended up in the Queens bedroom where she made small talk with him for 45mins before calling her maid to fetch some cigarettes for "the strange man at the end of my bed!!!". But he was arrested because it was illegal then. Of course they got straight onto that and the passed the law making it illegal in 2005. Clearly a high priority!
As we continue on through St James Park the used to be a zoo exclusively for the Royal family,we encounter some wildlife of our own. The slightly less exotic squirrels, ducks and pelicans. Speaking of pelicans, these pelicans have had to adapt and evolve because of the lack of fish in the pond. So over the years they've adapted to eat...... Pigeons!! There was a only small group of us that was surprised as apparently this is a big thing on YouTube. Ew!
We continued on to see Big Ben... My apologies.. Elizabeth Tower. FUN FACT ALERT! Big Ben is actually the Bell inside the tower. And I've actually heard this fact sooooo many times whilst being here. I think they like to catch tourist of guard with this one. We pass Prime Minister Square where bronze statues of Brittish Prime Ministers create a border.
Then off to our final destination to end our little 3hr walk, Westminster Abbey. Absolutely breathtaking! From the outside of course, cause we're a bit cheap to go in and as always pressed for time!!
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