Down into the dark depths of London's sordid history we go. I was expecting to go under the city into the sewers for a true life historical tour, but apparently it is some kind of entertainment attraction. Fabulous! On entering we were confronted with a horrible stench. And as most of you know I have a horrible horrible gag reflect when it comes to anythang stanky!
So not off to a great start, however I have mastered the art of blocking my nose to breathe out my mouth. Win!
First we hopped into a boat to go on a tiny thrill ride through the 'sewers' and then continue to be guided room to room and enlightened with different stories and characters that helped shape London into the city it is today.
All in all this attraction was pretty awesome, I did jump once or twice but that's not really saying much. I am a bit of a scaredy Kat ;p
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