Weds. April 16th in Kununurra in the Kimberley'sfighting a losing battle with tiny flies which are finding their way into the van even though we have all windows and the door closed.I really don't know how people can sit outside.We had an uneventful 2 day journey up from Broome.We had been warned not to stay in the townships of Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek because of the problems with the Aboriginals so we stayed in a couple of parks outside the towns and apart from some noise one night we didn't have any problems.The aboriginals are very evident sat in groups under the trees and sadly in most cases drinking and they seem to wander about by the roadside just outside of towns.Access is limited and they have a gate across the road.We are on a beautiful van site apart from the flies.We are parked by the lake and have seen a fabulous sunset mush better then the ones over the sea.Didn't get any photos or video because we had been in the pool and by the time we dried ourselves it was all over but we are here 2 more nights so we should get some.One of the activities they suggest is when it is dark take a torch and go crocodile spotting.No way I have been locked in the van since 6 o clockThey are freshies ( freshwater crocs) which don't kill you but take nasty bites out of you.Tomorrow we are going on a bus trip to Lake Argyle which is said to be 18 times bigger than Sydney harbour then back by boat on the Ord river when we should see crocs and a magnificent sunset.Friday we have to be at the park gates at 5.30am waiting for the bus to take us to the plane for a 2 hour trip over Lake Argyle, the diamond mine and most important the Bungle Bungles.Should be one of the highlights of the trip.
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