Oh today was a very hot day! It all started out waking up sweating this morning.I cannot stand this heat anymore.It's not that its hot, because I know it is hotter in Charlotte, and it is 75 degrees here. What is the hard part is that there is no relief from the heat.We walk many miles a day and then when we go into a store or our hotel room, it is the same temperature! We are so spoiled with air conditioner at home, I cannot wait to get to my cold home that we think is not cold enough! Anyway, after a rough morning, even though we got to sleep in, we snuck into the restaurant downstairs and had breakfast.We met around 11am and left to walk to the Royal Palace.We thought it was going to be a 15 minute walk, but it definitely wasn't.I had shorts and a t-shirt on and I was sweaty and hot, luckily one of our group people had an umbrella and I was the weird one walking down the street with my umbrella up.After about 30 minutes of a fast paced walk, we found the Royal Palace and lined up to get ready for the changing of the guards.I have always wanted to see this and it was definitely worth the walk, check out my video and pictures.I even took a picture with the guard, I had to stand one meter away from him.Lacey, one of the girls made him laugh because she was striking poses as we were trying to take her picture..and I didn't think they were supposed to make any movements.After the guards changed, we went inside the museum and looked around, it was kind of like the Biltmore House. We went back outside just to catch the doors opening of the palace and a Mercedes pulled out with the Queens sister in it, check out my photos. I did accomplish one thing here; I was able to buy one gift, and one for myself, so one down, many more to go! This coming weekend we are supposed to have a free weekend and I was going to go to Prague or Munich, but I think we may either stay here or go on a cruise.For about 40 dollars US, we can go on a cruise to Norway and get 2 meals included a day.I really want to see the northern lights, so we may go.I also want to see Norway, so if we can tour that country I might go.If we decide not to, we want to rent bikes and just ride around the city, because there are so many things we have yet to see.The beaches here are gorgeous and I really want to go! We went to the New Harbor after the Royal Palace and then we went to Pappas which is a Mexican and Italian place, I'm not sure why the combination, but it was good, I had a quesadilla.We worked on our project for tomorrow after that and got most of it finished, and then I fell asleep on my bed for a few minutes.For dinner I was craving a subway sandwich and the receptionist downstairs told us about the one sub shop here.I was so happy because I have been dying for a turkey sandwich! It was called Sunset Boulevard and yes they had turkey, most places here only have pork or beef.It was so good and I was so happy I had found this place because I think I could eat there everyday! After that we went and got ice-cream and then headed back to the hotel.When we come in from places we walk through the Ibsen's hotel which is where most of our group is staying.I asked the guy at the desk if they rented out fans, and he said, well yes but we only have one left.He acted like I couldn't have it, but then he gave it to me.Whitney and I are happier than kids in a candy store because we are going to sleep good tonight!! Our hotel, Kong Arthur, has no fans and has a waiting list, so we got lucky at the other one.Now we have a lot of mad people at us for getting the last one, but oh well, ya snooze ya loose! It was a good day here, hot but good!I have been here for 1 week so far and it has been a good one, I cannot believe I am not homesick yet, but I do miss my family and Sophie.Well it is almost 11p, here and I am getting ready for bed because we have class tomorrow morning.Night night! Random fact of the day:the legal alcohol limit here is .05, where in the US it is .08.If someone gets a DWI their license is immediately taken from them.We also asked can you get a DWI on a bike and they said not unless you cause an accident!The police are very serious about J-walking.If you cross the street, even on the crosswalk, when the walk sign is red, you will get a fine of 500kr.
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