Yay it's our last day here! We got up this morning and went down to breakfast around 10:30. We have two more things on our list to do before we leave. Other people in our group have gone to Christianshavn which is a town where there is a church that you can climb the to the top of the tower and also a little town called Christiana which is like a "free" town. It is beginning to rain so I am not sure if we are going to make it, but hopefully it will stop so we can leave....we shall see... Ok so we went to Christiana and the tower..two things I would have been very upset about had I missed! We got on the metro and went to Christianhavn which is about a 45 minute walk or a 5 minute ride on the we opted for public transportation. We went to the church first, one of the most amazing views ever! You will have to check out my pictures, I will post later tonight. It was 400 steps to the tops, and they weren't just your average steps, they were like actic steps that went straight up! It was craz, but well worth the climb. You can see windmills, all of Copenhagen and the waterway and bridge that leads to Sweden. I am so glad we decided to do that, I got some awesome pictures and videos! Afte that we walked down the street to Christiana..just a little back ground info it was a military base long ago and the military ended up abandoning it after a war. These people movied in on this land and took over and lived their own life and made their own rules. They have tried various times to take it over and shut it down but the numbers of people are to overwelhming and they go crazy, so they have just been letting them live in this "free" town where no one obeys law, pays rent, haa jobs, or anything...probably one of the most strange things I have ever seen. I could not take pictures inside because they prohibit it. If anyone sees you taking pictures they will come up and throw your camera on the ground. I did take pictures outside can see all the grafiti and the trash and everything. Inside it is like a jungle...overgrowth of trees, not roads really just dirt, little huts and stuff everywhere, dogs running lose. No one that lives in there has jobs, but there are a lot of vendors that sell all kinds of jewelry and well drug parafanelia and then there are a lot of little food vendors, and the food is very cheap. Bad idea to eat in there because you would be more than likely to get a "magic" burger or something. I know as mom and dad read this they are probably about to kill me for going here..but there was nothing to worry about no one bothers anyone..its just people who like live in their own tribe kind of..and we did take a male with us for protection...haha..anyway we are alive, but I never doubted that I would be...I just wish I could have taken pictures! Anyway, after all of that we rode the metro back to Norresport and came back to the hotel, crashed for a couple of hours and then we to dinner. We went to Nyhavn which I have been before, the pictures are of like a harbor and shops. This is my favorite place here, it is gorgeous, I even bought a picture of it. We ate dinner at a cafe there and then we got ice cream and walked around the harbor, it was a great ending to our trip. So now I am in my room and getting all packed up and ready to leave..we have a wake up call at 6:30 and are to be on the train to Stockhom at 8:30..we will see how that goes!
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