Only 2 more days in Copenhagen!! We have planned to spend the last two days getting ready to leave..we are so ready for a change of scenery! We got up this morning and went down to breakfast..our favorite part of the day. We had a ton of food..we stock up oin breakfast because it is free and then we eat and early dinner. We had cheese danishes, fresh fruit, cereal and hot tea. I have grown and addiction to hot tea, it is the thing to do here, I am pretty sure they have tea time. It had been fun trying new teas and such, something I will continue when I get home! I have been feeling under the weather for a couple of days, just a head cold and I cannot breathe, but hopefully what will dissapear soon. I believe it is because the weather here is so weird, one minute it is warm and the next it is cold and my body just can't keep up. Anyway after breakfast we had to do some last minute shopping and I had to return a couple of items to H & M because I had not worn them and I do not have one at home! So we did and I picked up a few more gifts and then we came back to the hotel. We began packing, which we assumed was going to be an awful chore, but it went well. Somehow I got all of the stuff I bought into one suitcase and my clothes in another. I still have a lot of cosmetic stuff and everything toget in there, but I am sure it will fit. After packing we were worn out to we took a nap and right now we are supposed to be leaving to go to a mid summers eve celebration, but unfortunately it just broke out into thunderstorms here so we are not sure what the plan is now! Anyway I am ready to come home..but I am excited to see Stockholm as well, but I am glad it is only for a few days! So the thunderstorms caused us not to be able to go to the first event of the day at we decided to wait it out and go to a local bonfire on the lake behind our hotel at 8:00. And of course 10 minutes after calling of the first event it is back to sunny skies..the weather here is soo weird! Anyway, we are just wasting time now until 8:00..we went and picked up a pizza from Mossimo and had that and right now everyone is either out or working on their presentations for next week. My group is MIA so I am just in mr room having some alone time thinking about turning on the TV and watching it..I have not watched TV the entire time I have been here..odd..
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