10:03 your time, 4:03 my time..and I have been across Copenhagen and back and you are still waking up.It is pretty crazy all that I can do while everyone at home is sleeping.Anyway, I have already been to class/well group project day and got all of that almost complete.After that we had an appointment at Duckling Productions.This place was pretty amazing.I was weary about going because the last production company we went to all we did was have a simple tour of the facility and no explanation. However, for this one we had the owners of the company giving us a tour and explaining everything to us and showing us all of the steps dealing with production, special effects and sound.The editing guy showed us a ton of their commercials I will have to YouTube and put on here and show you.They are pretty amazing!They are only production company in Denmark to have picture, sound, special effects and graphic design all in their house.We are thinking about outsourcing for our project and letting them put some commercials and ads together for us =) I doubt it though! Anyway, that was really fun we were there for quite a long time and now I am getting ready to take a nap before I meet back up with my group at 6:00.Night night! Ok now it is time to really go to bed.I woke up from my nap after 10 minutes and decided I needed to mess with my resume and try to apply for a some jobs?I am ready for a change and need some different experience, so we will see.After that we worked on our project and thank God we are complete now!We stopped at 8 to go to the taco shop, which was ok, and then headed back to finish up.We were completely done after another hour and since then we have been roaming around finalizing some stuff and talking with all of the groups. Tomorrow will be interesting because we get to show our work to our professor and see what he thinks.We also get to go to Carlsberg Beer tomorrow to tour and talk to them.After that we are freeeee for the entire weekend so we are hoping to sight see and maybe rent bikes for a day.We have a lot of things to see and do so hopefully we will get to do some things and maybe shop a little.So we only have a bit over a week until we move to Sweden, thank God.I hope next week goes by well because we have a lot to do when our new professor gets here.We have another big research project to do and a big presentation on the book that I failed to finish reading.Anyway, time for bed.Love you all, night night!
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