After two days of driving we have arrived in Broome.
On the way we saw modern day "Rawhide." As we were going along we could see several big dust balls ahead. Not knowing what to expect we slowed down to find thousans of cows (almost buffalo looking) being herded along and the cowhands were driving them sitting on quad bikes - how times have changed!
Broome is a relatively small town to us but larger than average here (population 14,000). Not much here but it is quite a quaint place and the history revolves around the pearling industry and camels. However, it is quite peaceful and the beaches and weather are good so we have decided to stay 4 days and have a break from driving before leaving the sea behind and start heading inland. Not sure about the fishing as we don't know what beasties are in the sea and hopefully Ray will be able to catch a barramundi in Kununurra.
Keep in touch.
Jen and Ray
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