A 4-hour stopover in Raratonga was not the 'business class' travel we have come to expect! Leaving NZ at 9.45 pm on 19 July and arriving in Raratonga at 3.45am the same day left us feeling a bit strange. We did not think it would be a major airport but the international section only opens for a few hours for the 1-a-day Air NZ arrival and departure. They do have domestic flights but only staff these during daylight hours. About 30 minutes after we arrived, out went all the lights and there was just us and another couple left to try and get comfortable on some metal seating. It is a long time since we have tried to grab some sleep on an airport bench least of all in the open air. It got even more exciting when the rain came, but hey ho it's all part of the fun (so they say) and the few hours soon past and we were on our way to Aitutaki.
Aitutaki was all we were hoping it would be - palm trees, white deserted beaches and a warm island welcome. We treated ourselves to 4 days of doing absolutely 'b***** all' apart from riding bicycles (a sight not to be repeated and fortunately no photos) to get some lunch supplies and canoeing which neither of us done for some 30+ years. Really enjoyed it though.
The most exciting thing that happened was when we fell asleep in our bungalow one afternoon and left the door open. I woke up and put my arm over Ray only to pick a thistle out of his (as I thought) back. When my arm went over again all I could feel was something hairey!! I know Ray is not into waxing but this was extreme. We both jumped up and there was a cat all snuggled up on the bed. Strange really, Ray between two pussies and not interested in either. Good job I know him but hope the cat wasn't offended.
Small world though as staying at the same resort as us was a couple who went to school with my cousin and now live in NZ.
We left Aitutaki feeling rested and ready to tackle our 4 days in New York sightseeing and shopping with Kay. Not sure whether Ray is excited about the shopping but is really looking forward to seeing Kay, as we both are. Sorry Jo, Ian, Lucy, Bumble and Olive, we really can't wait to see you either but it will just be a bit longer.
Had a few hours again in Raratonga waiting for our connection back to Auckland and pleased to say it was more alive and welcoming this time. After a good lunch overlooking a bay and a stroll around it was back to Auckland to do the washing and be ready for the New York adventure.
Hopefully will be in touch from NY before we make the final leg of our journey across the Atlantic home.
Jen and Ray
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