The saga of the diesel continues. After having motored for several hours to get to Lagos from Lisbon, I decided to check the fuel filter again, it was not as clear as would be expected so took off the fuel tank inspection tank and noticed the bottom of the tank covered in thin brown slime. Decided the best thing to do was remove this slime, however the tank showed just over a quarter full and so the best option was to suck off from the bottom. The question is how to do this? Siphoning would not work as the tank is too low and I cannot put anything lower. Visiting the local chandlery, I saw the vacuum syphon for engine oil for sail. I bought this at great expense, three times the UK price! The next task was trawling for slime in the tank. This worked surprisingly well but the tank is divided into more than one part and I can only see one part so no idea what the other looks like. However pretty sure it is not the dreaded diesel bug and that the remaining fuel is ok. The other benefit of this is to show that the tank when showing empty on the gauge has a lot of fuel still in it.
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