On the 14th we awoke at 4.30am as our plane landed in Cairns first!!!� Little did we know that the Sake we had bought as presents had to be poured away because it was over 100ml!!!� We werent told we had to go through security in Cairns - we were not happy chappies.� Anyway we arrived in Brisbane on time and headed off on the train down to Jacqui's Aunty Kath and Uncle Rob's.� Aunty Kath met us at the station and then we spent the rest of the day chilling out - its amazing how tired you can be from alway being on the move.� For those not in the loop - Aunty Kath and Uncle Rob used to live in South Africa with Jacqui's family and have remained friends since.� Their children came over for dinner that night so Neen got to meet everyone and Jacqui got to catch up with them all. It was a lovely evening and we were so pleased to be eating Roast Dinner
We have had a very nice relaxing last few days in Mudgeeraba. On the 15th we headed off to Burleigh Beach for a few hours to soak up the sun and chill out. Aunty Kath has hurt her back so she is taking it easy before he flight to Wales. Jacqui spent some quality time with her Aunty Kath and her grand daughter Sierra which was lovely. On the night of the 17th Aunty Kath and Uncle Rob teach Rock and Roll at the German Club - we headed off there for dinner and to watch the proceedings. Of course Uncle Rob had Jacqui up dancing Oh by the way our washing is now all clean thanks to Aunty Kath - our clothes had been badly washed in China and Vietnam in cold water so the use of a washing machine with hot water was great. Its the small things. Aunty Kath flew off on the 19th and we headed off to Brendon and Alex's house for a BBQ (Brendon is Aunty Kath and Uncle Rob's son). We had a really nice evening and Jacqui got to play some more with Sierra.
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