Today was not a good day lol... I now remember why I don't drink very often. I woke at ten am to find the bed empty and me spalled out like a star fish and my mouth was as dry as a desert. Steven was downstairs enjoying the complimentary breakfast and checking his mail. I wandered down to join him and Kai simply laughed when she saw me and handed me a very strong coffee... I must have looked a lot worse then I thought. I took a perch and munched some toast and marmalade (detox was off today). We had some food and then chilled a bit looking at hotels and such before retreating back to bed for a few hours. I woke at three pm and jumped in the shower feeling slightly more human after some noodles. We had heard of a big weekend night market in town that we wanted to see so headed off in the direction of the old town.
The walk was a good thirty mins or so and despite it being nearly four pm it was still so hot and sunny. By the time we reached the market we were even more dehydrated and headed for water and food. We sat in a street stall and ordered a yellow curry and rice as well as a red curry with rice. It was delicious. We then guzzled a whole bottle of water before looking around the market. The place was awesome and reasonably cheap... Plus you could actually haggle here. I bought a pretty summer dress and Steven bought a really nice white cotton shirt and a Chang beer tee shirt. We had a good look around for about two hours or so before the hangover munchies were calling. We found a pancake stall and ordered a couple of beauties... Steven had sugar and lemon (a good classic ) and I had maple syrup (a personal fave). We then hit the seven eleven for some juice and water and headed home... By now it was nearly eight and we were pretty pooped.
We walked back to the hostel through and area we hadn't seen before... I was a little nervous at times but we survived and wandered in to the hostel. Again Kai laughed at us and said "you guys walk so much". We agreed and retreated to the room. I laid on the bed pooped when Steven piped up with "rugby is starting" mmm I wasn't interested, far to tired so he went on his own to the Irish pub close by. After about forty mins I still wasn't sleeping so headed out to meet Steven. I wandered into the bar expecting it to be full of rowdy Irish supporters but there was none. Turns out the guy who owns it is from Manchester and the only supporters there were english people...crazy. We watched the game that was painfully dull to start with but did liven up a bit towards the end. After the match ...that England won we headed to get some noodles before crashing into bed as we were shattered and it was about twelve thirty am... Before I fell asleep my sister requested a FaceTime chat so we surprised mum and FaceTime her... Then I crashed!
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