Today we were being picked up at eight o'clock so were up early. Steven had his obligatory noodles and I had my fruit shake with extra collagen lol... We then headed into the front to wait for the bus. The bus arrived and you couldn't miss it... It was a huge truck that was brightly painted and very holiday ish. By the time the bus reached AoNang it was overflowing with people and creaking every time we turned a corner... Thought we were going to fall out... However some how though we arrived safely and in one piece.
There were loads of people and we were separated into the different groups with different stickers... We were given light blue and stood waiting patiently for our long boat at nine thirty. Once it was time to go we headed down to the sea and climbed aboard the boat. We sat on the roof under a bit of awning and enjoyed the amazing views as we headed away from the beach. Our first stop was Poda island which was about thirty mins away. I was a bit worried I would get sea sick (I'm rubbish on the ferry home to Stornoway) but I needn't have worried... The sea was calm and the journey was lovely. Before we knew it we were arriving on Poda and wow what a place... It was beautiful, literally white sands, lush greenery and a little shack selling drinks. The perfect place to be stranded. We had just over an hour here so went for a wander... The island has a lovely beach that surrounds a lush green Forrest and over looks several other islands. Firstly we wandered and took some pictures before we couldn't resist it any more and jumped in the clear turquoise sea. It was warm like a bath and clear as anything... As we stood there hundreds of tiny fish swam around us and even some bigger brighter fish joined them, it was really something. We had met a girl on the boat called Katiya and she joined us now and then so we chatted with her and took some pics for her (that's the problem with solo travel... No one to take the pics!) before long the hour was up and we wandered back to the boat drenched.
The journey to chicken island didn't take long and took us all around the various little islands and rock formations that are scattered about in this vast area of sea. We sailed past the island with its distinctive looking chicken head and headed around to a small reef where we would try some snorkelling. I was dreading this activity as I am terrified of the ocean and especially deep sea. I'm not particularly a strong swimmer and hate it when its so deep I can't see what is beneath me... Takes me ages just to wade out in the sea! Don't think my intense fear of a tsunami and drowning help... I have the same reoccurring dream where I'm caught in a tsunami... Horrid lol. The boat anchored just off the reef and we were told to stay over the reef as the area the boat was over is over twenty meters deep eeks!! Then we had a lecture about dropping the snorkels as once they fall in they drop twenty metres never to be seen again... Eeks again! (This wants helping my nerves). To be honest I wasn't even sure I would go through with it as every other boat trip I've been on I have chickened out and sat on the boat. Once in Tenerife I climbed down the ladder wouldn't let go and just sat there in the water holding in to the boat.
Anyway we grabbed our snorkels and prepared to climb in (a few people were jumping in on the opposite side) but I was no where near brave enough. The fact I was climbing in to water twenty meters deep was enough (I hate the deep end of the swimming pool). I put on a life vest and joined Steven who was already paddling like a water baby when my buckle un clipped and I panicked lol... Steven did it back up, calmed me down and I lowered back into the sea. I paddled a little clinging on to poor Steven before the buckle un clipped again and that was it ...freak out!! I swam back to the boat and climbed aboard. I changed my vest... Said my prayers and headed back down.
This time when I lowered into the water the buckle held so I swam out to meet Steven. It was weird as I actually felt safer in the deep as when you look under the water at the corals they appear really close and the guy had freaked me out by saying "don't put you feet down as the sea urchins will cut them". Knowing I couldn't lower my legs freaked me more haha. While I was havin my inner battle Steven was having problems of his own and was swallowing half the sea every time he put his head under. Turned out the snorkel end was a bit dodgy and kept falling under the water every time he dunked his head.... He persevered and after a little tweak we kind of sorted the problem. I by now had found some Dutch courage and was floating over the reefs and enjoying the view... I felt a bit stupid for feeling so scared as it wasn't that scary once I was doing it. I floated further and further away from the boat and enjoyed seeing all the fish and sea urchins doing their thing.
Steven joined me and we floated around waving under the water and such before it was soon time to leave. I was proud I conquered my fear... Suppose the next step is diving mmm not sure I've got what it takes. We headed back on board elated and dried off in the sun while we sailed to Tup island where we were to have lunch. This island was truly beautiful and was actually two islands that are joined by a strip of sand only accessible during low tide. We jumped down and walked on to the beautiful soft white sand (was literally like talc) and queued up for lunch. We were expecting a piece of fruit and a banana cake but were actually given a buffet of chicken legs (delicious despite me never eating chicken on the bone), chicken in a fragrant sauce.., really tasty and soft, vegetables which were delicious and soft fluffy rice. We retreated up into the trees on a small hill and sat in the shade overlooking the island... Was a stunning view.
After we had finished lunch I went to take some pics while Steven savoured the shade and chatted with Katiya. It was getting incredibly hot now that the clouds had cleared so it wasn't long before Steven joined me and we jumped in the sea... It wasn't very deep so we were able to lay back and bask in the sun while being cooled by the sea, perfect situation. Soon it was time to go and head to our last stop, as we climbed on to the roof it was burning hot and scalded your feet! Soon however we were laying back in the shade and relaxing. We were now feeling a little tired from a mixture of swimming, eating and too much sunshine. We sat back and enjoyed the breezy ride to our final destination Prahnang beach in Railay cove, said to be the most beautiful beach in Thailand and only accessible by boat. It didn't disappoint and was truly spectacular. The beach is long so doesn't feel to crowded with huge rock climbing caves at one end. They were stunning and we had a little gander... There is also a very randomly placed phallic shrine in one of the caves (see them everywhere now) and had the largest collection of wooden phallic symbols I have ever seen... One was about six foot long!! I really hope that lady got pregnant.
We wandered up the beach passing the long boat shops and bars which were pretty cool before having a dip and sunbathing! Was so nice. However before long it was time to go so we retreated back to the boat for big platefuls of watermelon... Amazing. We headed back towards AoNang and saw the beautiful Railay beach West and Tonsai beach as well as some big pink jelly fish swimming around before landing back on the beach at about three thirty.
By now we had that amazing tired scratchy feeling only felt after a day in the sea and sun and we were ecstatic. It had been such a wonderful day and I finally saw my Thailand. We headed back to the hotel and showered (best shower ever) and wandered down to a nearby cafe to meet Katiya for a beer and some food. We ordered noodles and curry and chatted for ages about various things. Steven also booked our hostel in Phuket (free wifi) and we then went and booked our bus. The three of us then headed down to the night market for a goose where we ended up ordering more beer and pad thai (the women was insistent and we couldn't say no! Plus it was stupidly cheap). We drank our beers surrounded by the heat and chaos of the food market before saying our goodbyes to Katiya and wished her luck... She was more indecisive then us and couldn't decide what to do tomorrow.
We then strolled home and fell in to bed... The packing could wait till tomorrow.
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