Monday the 18th of June rolled around and I got up early in order to begin the job hunt in Brisbane. When I was 16, I got my first real job (discounting a month at McDonalds in hell), by simply walking to a store and asking if they had any jobs available. My financial situation meant it was time to consider retail and casual work in Brisbane, at least until I found something in my field of expertise.
I headed down from my bedroom and remembered that before he left, Stu had given me the ticket for the free breakfast that he had won playing in the poker tournament two weeks ago. I thought if there was a day I would need a good breakfast as a pick me up, this was it. I headed into the cafe and ordered the biggest breakfast the coupon would get me, and collected my thoughts for the day ahead.
The first step I decided, was to do what I had done when I was 16, and walk throughout the city going into stores and asking if any jobs were available. I set off down Roma street, heading first for the transport centre.
I walked in and out of all the shops I was prepared to work in inside the transport centre, and was unfortunately present with a reply that over the rest of the day would become highly irritiating and very commonplace - 'go on the website'.
Back home in England, my sister has also been job hunting and not long ago I remember her telling me of the same problem. Where once store owners would consider applicants that walked into the store, they now simply reply with a monotone 'go on the website' whenever a job enquiry is placed. What is worse, is that whenever I agreed to do that, and simply enquired if there was even a role available, I received the same highly annoying answer - 'go on the website'. I photoed various companies I enquired at which provided me these answers, mainly to shame them a bit.
I walked throughout the city for around 6 hours, before returning back to the hostel again in the evening. I was tired and very emotionally drained from the hard day I had searching for a job. In total only one place was prepared to say they had a job available, and unfortunately they would not offer it to someone on a working holiday visa. All I can say is at least they gave me a useful and honest reply. I crashed out and hoped for a better day the day after.
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