September 21, 2013 Saturday
Day 77
Cloudy, 47 degrees, little bits of blue sky this morning. We left Watson Lake and headed down the Cassiar Highway, a remote, scenic, 450 mile long road. We chose The Cassiar as a scenic alternative to the more travelled Alaska Highway. For this first section of a few hundred miles, there is no center line, no shoulders, a bit scary. We don't want to get near the edge. There are roller coaster like hills, the road is bumpy, we are averaging 40-50 mph. It is truly scenic with lakes, forests, Cassiar Mountains. Nothing but wilderness for 80-100 mile stretches.
Today we are heading to Iskut, BC about 200 miles south on the Cassier.
We saw a very big black bear, (looked like 350-400 pounds), right in the road. He saw us coming and ran off into the woods. Also saw a willow ptarmigan walking across the road.
We made a stop at Jade City to see all the jade pieces that are mined in this area. Pretty.
Michael was able to listen to parts of the UT vs FL game on xm radio, when we had a signal.
Crossed the Stikine River, the same river we took a wilderness boat tour back in July in Wrangell. The Stikene River is 330 miles long.
After the Stikene River bridge, the road was suddenly gravel with winding sharp curves and long narrow upgrades and downhill grades. The road had no shoulders, with abrupt drop-offs, from the edge of the road, 5 feet or more. This road is not for the faint of heart!
As we neared Iskut, BC, the wind was really picking up. Also, we started to see quite a bit of bear scat right on the road. We thought it would be such a hoot to see a bear actually going to the bathroom on the highway, but so far, no such luck!
Camped near Iskut, BC, just off The Cassiar Highway at a beautiful campground, Mountain Shadow on Lake Kluachon.
Took an hour long hike along the lake. Very pretty. It is sunny, but very windy, 52 degrees and dropping.
Wildlife Sightings
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