Hi everyone!
The last time we blogged we was in Noosa, so ill take itfrom there! Greg had his interview with the insurance brokers in Noosa! He went for coffee with the director and it went really well! The guy had only been in business for a year and there was only 5 employees inc himself! At the end of the interview the fella said that he can see Greg in the company but had to think where to place him! So he basically said he had the job but didn't actually say he had a job!! He said he would be in touch in 1 - 2 weeks! So it was quite a good interview however we couldn't afford to just sit and wait aroundjust in case it fell through! On Wednesday we were speaking to Sam, Ben and Ollie on the phone and they said there was a couple of jobs going at the farm Ollie works on and there was a spare room for half the rent we was paying in Noosa. So we had a chat and decided the best option for us was to go and meet the boys! That afternoon we booked the bus tickets for the next day as we had to start work on the Friday!!
Wednesday afternoon we packed our bags and headed to the beach to make the most of it before leaving! It wasa beautiful day and the sea was such a beautiful blue! We sunbathed for a bit and then went for a swim. As we was just about to dive under the water we noticed a big group of fish swimming around. We stood sill and watched them swim closer and closer to us, they came right up to our feet when we moved we thought they would swim away but they just followed us! So we startedswimming and they kept following us! It was really cool! They were sand coloured fish and I just about got some pics of them, ill put them on the blog!
Thursday morning we left our studio apartment and walked to the bus stop at 10am, the start of a very long journey! We got on the bus from Noosa to Brisbane at 10.30am and arrived at 1pm we then had 3hrs to kill until our next bus. So we walked around the city and looked in the shops. We got on the bus at 4.30pm (which was ½ hr late) and the journey was meant to be just over 2 hours long…..however the road there was closed due to an accident! At 5pm we was told the road would reopen in 10mins, then we was told an hour, then another 10mins, then ½ hour and this went on until9pm!! Everyone on the bus was freezing cold starving hungry and very tired! I had already been in the boot of the bus and got my jumper out of my suitcase, Greg needed the loo and asked the driver where to go and he simply said go up the back wheel! Greg refused because there was big long line of traffic behind,a bush was found eventually!! So at 9pm the driver turned around and drove us back to a petrol station so we could all get food and the elder ladies could go to the loo, for some reason they didn't want to go in the bushes?! After we all fed our selves the driver decided to drive back the way we came and go the long route! So we eventually arrived at 11.45pm!!!!!!!! We were shattered!! Ben picked us up and took us back to our new home and we got in just after 12 midnight! We then had to set our alarms for 5.15amto start work at 6.30am! We were very tired to say the least!!
Luckily Saturday was a day off so we only had to work Friday. We are working for a real cool farm, Sam and Ben work for the same company but different farm. About a 20 minute journey, no biggie! We have 3 main jobs to do -
1.Hand cutting, we basically cut lettuce and put them in boxes
2.Transplanting, the tractor drives along making holes in the soil and you sit in a seat attached tothe back and fill in the holes with baby lettuce!
3.Weeding, basically just weed!!
The work is very easy but very tiring! We work on average 8hrs a day 6 days a week! we are working with Ollie and a Germans couple - Iska and Roman, they are really nice and very funny!
I was getting a lift to work with Iska and Roman the first few days and Greg was on the back of Ollies bike but the Germans were meant to be leaving today so last Sat we started car hunting! We saw a few cars which didn't look like they were going to get us around very safely and eventually found our little Mazdamobil! It's a little white Mazda 323, 1987! Its in really good condition, new expensive tyres, full service history etc! and the guy we bought it from gave us all the info we need. He was quite well off and it was his sons car and was selling because he bought his son a ute!
Were staying in a really cool House, we have an ensuite and walk in wardrobe!!! A nice flat screen tv, nice kitchen, balcony with a lovely view! It's a great house with a beautiful view! Ive been waiting for some clear skys to take some nice pictures.
This week has flown by, we have been up at 5.15 every morning and asleep by 9.30 at night! Work is very tiring but guarantees you a good night sleep lol! Greg has been driving the ute across the farm and had ago on the quad bike the other day and I drove the ute a couple of times and the tractor!! I was joking with Wally saying that I will drive the tractor back to the farm office which was a couple of fields away from where we were, thinkinghe would say no…..but he said ok!! I was very nervous but it was really fun!! Hopefully I can become the designated tractor driver lol!! Yesterday at work was quite fun, we dared Ollie $10 bucks and a chocolate bar to eat a plant, soil and all!! No one thought he would do it but he did! He didn't even gag or spit it out!! And said after that he used to eat grass and mud all the time as a kid! His mum said it was good for the immune system!!
I think that is enough for now, your probably asleep by this point! Lol
Miss you all!
Lauren and Greg x x x
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