Hi everyone!
How are you all? Were doing fine!! Still Farming away earning the "bread & butter"!! Again we haven't been up to too much as we are working 6 days a week! Saying that, Greg and I did go to a Thai Restaurant in town for a meal last week! It was really nice and although we could hear the ping of a microwave every 5 minutes, it still tasted damn good!!
We also splashed out a bit and treated ourselves to a SLR camera so we can take much better quality pictures of the scenery out here, and of course…………………..ourselves!! We have taken a few pictures so far but were learning how to use it properly so the pictures should get better with practice!!
Also we bought an internet dongle so we can upload the photos and ADD TO THE BLOG MORE OFTEN!
We got an hourly limit rather then a megabite limit as we would be uploading photos all the time and I agreed to get the internet on the condition that Greg wouldn't spend hours on UFC videos as we are on a budget, so we set it up and Greg was watching the latest UFC event within 1minute!! Lol I swear he's addicted to sodding UFC!! Its all I ever hear about, if he's not looking it up on the internet, he's watching a dvd he's rented or talking about it constantly!!…………….could be worse though, he could be practicing it on me!!
Hope to hear from everyone soon. Miss you all!
Lauren and Greg x x x
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