Gooday everyone!
you'll all be pleased to know that this will be a short blog unlike the last one!!
we havent been up to too much since the last blog, just cutting, weeding and harvesting lettuce all day long every day!!! its not too bad though, we get to chat all day! and our new zealand friend Ollie (or Jeeves as we call him) educates us on a variety of topics, evolution being one and he seems to like correcting my English!! aparently i dont talk proper!!! lol (not sure why he thinks that!!).
Sam and Ben might be moving to our farm in about 2 weeks time which should be fun! and we have a new job on the farm, its called harvesting which basically means we stand behind a tractor which cuts the lettuce really fast and a conveyer belt pours it into boxes which we have to make sure are filled evenly and then load them onto the trailer behind! its really fast, tiring but quite fun! last night i was so tired i went to bed at 7.30pm and slept like a baby for 10hours!! which has never happened to me before!! oh and i nearly got run over by Wolly at work! i was unhooking a trailer from the ute and Wolly thought i had done it so pulled away quite sharply so i paniked and started running forward so the trailer wouldnt run me down then Wolly realised and broke harshly and i kept running right into the back of the ute!!! Greg thought it was hilarious and couldnt stop laughing at me! so im glad he had a good time lol!!
one morning we left for work and right outside our house was a bunch or kangaroos and one of them had a little baby joey in its pouch! it was really cute!! i think thats all ive got for you this week, not been up to much just work ,chilling, saving and attempting to make plans for the next part or our trip!! i hope everyone is having fun at home! keep sending messages!
miss you all!!!
Lauren and Greg xx
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Dad Hiya ! You are on my laptop now so will be able to look at it more often now. Going to Cape Verde Islands on Monday for 2 weeks so will contact yoy when i get back. Moving back to Benfleet probably next month so lots changing. Miss you loads x.