Hi everyone
Its been a few weeks since we last blogged, hope everyone is well and happy! Me and Gregory are fine, we have a bit of gossip for you all, so here goes....
Ill start from Greg's was a beautiful day, nice and hot for once! Greg and the boys decided to go for a swim in the camp pool, which was freezing by
the way!! I took a few cheesy photos of them larking about!the pics should be on the blog! That night we had the farm gang round for a game of poker and a few drinks! naturally everyone got a bit worse for wear, especially Greg!! By the end of the night after a few bad batches of beer, he was face down on the deck after demonstrating how not to high kick a punch bag! lol Ollie attempted to sneak off to bed a few times but as you all know Greg isnt fond of people leaving partys early (is he Mitch?!) so he got everyone to literally drag him out of bed! The next day we were all a little worse for wear so Sam took us into town for a Hungry Jacks (Burger King) which made us feel a whole lot worse!! lol we then watched films and slept all day long in the positions we all first sat down in!!
We have been making a few plans for what to do next recently and have decided to sell our car and travel around Oz in a 4x4!! We are very excited and are going
to see a Nissan Patrol on Wednesday! Its all kitted out with camping gear and a bed etc!! Greg has got his hopes up for this car so fingers crossed it all seems fine and we get it!! When we do get a 4x4 we will be on the East coast with Ben and then we'll be setting sail in the Nothern territory and down the west coast! What happens then..........we dont know yet!
Sam and Ollie have now left us, Sam bought a bike not so long ago and him and Ollie are doing a motorbike tour around Oz! There's a funny story to them leaving actually... As we said before we put our car up for sale on Friday and Greg spent all of Saturday putting up posters around town. On Sunday we went to work in Ben's car as we were taking it in turns to drive each other! Greg got a call mid morning from Sam, letting him know that him and Ollie had taken our car without permission and kindly wrote it off for us!!! Luckily they managed to escape unharmed (except for a bruise on Sam's ass......apparently) and the other passengers only suffered from shock!! The lady had a very efficiant insurance and the claim is being processed, the insurance will sort out the value of the car and our theiving friends contributed also, so we got our full asking sale price in the end!! they still left the next day and Greg has been dealing with the insurance all week!! Its been a pain in the ass but its worked out ok for us, as we dont have to worry about how long it will take to sell the car!! A bit inconvenient but we'll live!!
Yesterday me and Greg celebrated our 5th year together with a Thai takeaway! We were going to go out for a meal but we had a 9 1/2 hour day and were shattered, so a takaway was perfect!!!
Anyways thats all for now, we'll keep you updated on the 4x4 situation!!
Miss you all
Lauren and Greg x x x
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