Hi everyone!!
Hope everyone is well! me and Greg are fine! however, we had some news regarding our jobs last week! The work has slowed down quite a bit and we are over staffed,so the boss man, Mitch said he was going to have to get rid of a few people!! luckily and unluckily he didnt in the end he just cut everyones hours so we have to work 5 days a week instead of 6 which means we're down by $300 a week! hopefully it will only be for a few weeks but theres no telling how long it will be!! Still able to put enough away for when we move on again, so its not the end of the world!!
Last saturday we had a very fun adventurous day!! Me and Greg got up early and ventured down to Killarny (about an hour south) to see the Queen Mary Falls! We went to a petrol station in Killarny and Greg took about 1/2 hour to pay! turns out he'd made a new red neck ozzy friend!! We carried on to the falls and they were beautiful, we have taken some pics and there on the blog! Greg's catalogue picture is above!! We met a nice couple who took our picture at the bottom of the waterfall who remided us of mum and dad! the fella had his camera and was climbing aiong all over the rocks, trying to get a good pic and the lady, was standing on the path panicking he would fall over and get hurt!! i could hear in my head ( careful!!!) they were both really nice!!
When we got back from the falls we went to the dam with the boys and just chilled out for an hour!! it was so quite, peaceful and hot! Ollie was practicing fishing with a hand line! He didnt catch anything but it did look very hard to do!! After the dam we went back to the house and had dinner then we took a family trip to the cinema to see knight and day! please do not waste your time effort or money going to watch this film!! its poop! its meant to be a funny action but its just rubbish! while Im at it also please do not watch Remember me with Robert patterson unless you want to watch the worlds most depressing film with a rubbish storyline and the opposite to a happy ending!!! ! it took me days to pick myself up after watching it lol!
Anyway that was our action packed Saturday, the rest of the week has just been work, work work! except we had to take Greg to the hgospital doctor as the skin on his hands has been drastically peeling off! it turns out he has contact dermatitus! he has got some cream but has been moaning ever since the first day of using the cream that its not working! i keep having to explain to him that skin doesnt grow back overnight!!
i hear through the grapevine that its the triplets birthday bash this weekend! we're both really gutted that we couldnt be there but we hope everyone will have a great time, and gets just as drunk as last year!! We will be going out for a thai meal on Monday for Ollies 21st birthday and then on Friday we're going to have a birthday bash for Gregs with all the farm gang! i may even make a cake!! It should be fun but obviously not the same as the traditional Nans house part-ay!
Thats all for now folks!! have a great weekend!
Miss you all
Lauren and Greg x x x
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