3 flights, thousands of miles, too many hours, a train, a bus, a few grumpy US Immigration officer, two nearly missed flights and a husband escorted away (luckily he came back) and we have settled into Seattle. UK time is 0444 so trying to get to sleep, our body clocks are telling us to get up :(
So being told check in was closed for our connecting flight at Heathrow was just the start to a very long day. We did get on the flight - phew!
US immigration officers aren't the happiest bunch so when Imogen and I were cleared and Nick was taken away by a very serious looking official, we stood there laughing in the knowledge that he wouldn't have a clue about the itinerary they were going to ask him about. Luckily they let him out of the handcuffs (only kidding) and we dashed with 20 minutes to spare to catch out flight to Seattle.
Let's hope tomorrow is a little more relaxed and has no nasty surprises....
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