Left Dingle via the O'Connor pass. Drove to Castleisland where there was a VW garage which involved some backtracking. The mechanic had a bad stammer and with the accent it was difficult for me to understand and I didn't like to ask him to repeat anything. The knocking problem was probably caused by callipers he said. They didn't seem too concerned about me driving on. They put in a new rear light cover which I had smashed reversing into a telegraph pole. In my defence it was in my blind spot. All this was arranged within less than 30 minutes but did cost €90.
Whilst waiting, Jerry, a farmer was coming on to me and begged to take me out for dinner. I have either morphed into a young beauty or the Irish are rather randy. Remember the boat man ?
Looking in my Britstop book I saw there was a place you could stop in the car park of the leisure centre at Askeaton Found a spot in the far corner overlooking the river with the Franciscan Friary on the other side. See photo.
Had a Guinness in Hannigans Bar people friendly and chatty as usual
It was very cold that night and very misty in the morning.
I went to the little tourist office where they had a small museum upstairs.
Askeaton is one of the oldest towns in Ireland and boasts Desmond Castle founded in 1199 and the Franciscan Friary being 'one of the most complete ruins of a Medieval Abbey'.
The lady said that she had to go to a meeting and said to just close door behind me.
I made the mistake of driving to Limerick which was about 50 miles out of the way and not on the WAW route. I should have backtracked and taken a ferry across from Tarbert. Eventually back on the WAW at Kilrush and onto Loop Head where I seemed to be going round and round and not getting anywhere on narrow roads with the grass tickling your underside and brambles scratching your sides.
Was relived to get away from there.
It was quite late by the time I reached the spectacular Cliffs of Moher at over 200 metres.
I checked in at the neat and tidy campsite in Doolin and enjoyed the use of the kitchen.
The next day took a boat trip to see the Cliffs of Moher from the sea. So lucky with the weather as even though it was calm there were huge swells which is not surprising since they travel across the Atlantic from North America.
My journey onwards took me through the strangely rocky Burren National Park.
Around Galway become stuck in traffic which I had been warned about but it seemed quite odd as every where else I had been was so traffic free.
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