Well another day has begun for me, last night I was very tired and was asleep by 8.00pm needless to say up at this morning. Mind you I rarely get passed my sleep pattern is very confused, and although tired cant sleep late. Maybe its with getting older and dont want to miss anything as all the guys here sleep forever and still moan there tired. Yesterday Margaret arrived who lives in Old portsmouth ( visiting her son )and delivered the Head lice products Trish had dropped off for me at Gemma s
So busy day today trying to get everyone at the Orphanage to get there hair treated, including the staff. They are good about it as they all get fed up with itching so a nit free xmas, guess what they are excited about that. But it will be a tough day as 40 odd just hope 4 bottles will do it !!!
For some reason the internet is not good here at the moment on my Wifi so as Im up early Im on the computor. Hope you guys at home are getting into the Xmas feel I do miss that here as i love December and it just doesnt feel it here. But a xmas party is being organised and tonight we have to look to see what we have as presents, been collecting along the way. Possibly a quick run to the market tommorow.
Margaret kindly donated, Gemma is raising in the shop also so is Ann on Hayling, Plus Claire donated. Anyone interested in helping out please donate to those guys or tell me and I will sort it. Kids pocket money anything that will put a smile on the kids faces. They are excited about even getting a pair of pants !!!! Tell me a UK kid that would be. Different life i know
Well thats possibly me for today an early blog that hasnt happened yet !!!!! Love me
- comments
Nicky Hiya mum, sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you,and at the time I'm writing this message you will be well on your way thru the de-nitting process :) Bless those kids you'll make there Christmas by having itch free heads.......put Mark and I down for £50 :) Time for me to start getting ready for work! Love and miss you loads but so very proud of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx