Starting in Cambodia
After a great night in a aircon room, we went out for pancakes for breakfast.
Full hour massage , manicure & paraffin wax pedicure we felt Like we were floating.
Jess went off and had her hair blow-dried.
New wardrobe of clothes and feeling great we headed back to the orphanage in the luxury of a taxi.
As normal as we went away it's all changed here,there are now 13 of us all with different opinions. But I guess it will all come together.
Big meeting going on which I have to be involved with, so I have to get serious. !!!!!!
Ohps must get serious, not that I came here to be serious.
Could get into trouble again.
No try not too.
- comments
Steph Hi sis just caught up on your blogg have had another problem with computer but seems to be okay tonight. Your experience sounds amazing. Even cooking a roast dinner you mad fool in that heat ha ha I bet you have been named cheif of the year. How about that water looked inviting not spoilt me, dont think I could swim in it. I am glad you had a bit of a pamper I bet sleeping in that air con room was like sure bliss for you I would have had me all in ones on. Glad you are okay and the craft bits went down well, and you were able to get yourself a bike. Take care keep safe and keep blogging hon Loves ya xxxxxxxxxxxx