Monday, 5th April
Day off for all, bit chilly today.
Tuesday, 6th April
Worked for Mel this afternoon, it was my last which felt so strange, recon I'm going to miss the Lynn family.
Wednesday, 7th April
Got the new camera today, so excited that we'll have it for the rest of our travels. Started the clean up today, lots to do so cleaned out the oven and some of the cupboards.
Thursday, 8th April
Sevreena Tia Mamood was born today at 11am weighing 5.5lbs. Soph and Sevreena are doing well but will have to stay in for a while until Sevreena has put on a little weight. Spoke to Mum, Dad and Flick, tried Al but she's at work, so excited I can't think of anything else. Took some photos of the house and area around so we can remember it when we're back home.
Friday, 9th April
Frank wouldn't start so the boys were at home today, I was working and the boys went to see the guys after work, Frank started after lunch. Dvd evening.
Saturday, 10th April
Boys at work so got lots of washing done, I'm working tomorrow so need to get enough done so we're not too busy on Monday. Jake, Kate and Tim came over for drinks this evening, then the boys from the guys work came over. Good leaving drinks.
Sunday, 11th April
I worked today, everyone was hungover so the day went pretty slowly, good last day at work, almost a bit sad to leave. Tom and Dan were hungover so had a sofa day, took some pics of around work.
Monday, 12th April
Tom took Dan into work then headed back with Frank then we got on with the clean up. Sent a bag of presents home but still have so much stuff might have to post more home. Dan dropped us in Seabird, sad to say goodbye, going to miss him.
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