Monday, 25th January
Much of a muchness today, got fed up with the internet cafe so went to Innaloo and got a laptop, the boys met me there to check it out so got a lift home.
Tuesday, 26th January
Australia Day. Boys had the day off, Jake came round so we all headed down to the beach for a swim and surf. Seriuosly strong current and sand bars. Headed over to Freo this afternoon to check out Jake and Kates place, really nice set up, 3 chalet style rooms out the back of a quirky house surrounded by ponds. Home for a late supper, managed to Skype Cass, always nice to catch up.
Wednesday, 27th January
A very eventful morning, a couple across the way who have been shouting all weekend at each other kicked off again, carried on for ages so next door called the domestic police. The bloke ended up being taken off by the police, she was ranting racist remarks about everyone living around them in front of her kids, I couldn't believe her. On a different note we went out for a lovely supper with Paul and Emma to Oceanus near Floreat beach. Great meal and lovely to have a proper catch up.
Thursday, 28th January
Internet has been used up in one day by the automatic uploads, woops, have turned them off. Had an interview at Zanders restaurant, there are 3 girls who've just started on trial so if it doesn't work out with any of them I'm in. The boys were late home at 7pm so had supper ready, Paul and Em were held up in bad traffic so we won't see them until we get home, strange to think of them going home.
Friday, 29th January
Just want to work now, getting so bored. Hammock fell down with Dan in it, pretty funny apart from the obvious as we'd just been saying that as soon as he got comfy it would give way.
Saturday, 30th January
Went to Ikea. Got more glasses, knives and obviously meatballs and sauce. Jake and Kate had been round while we were out and had left us a drink called, Tom and Emma's. Went for a swim to make the most of the sea being calmer. Mark and Cara came down for the evening and Tim came round a bit later. Great bbq, lots of wine, beers and vodka. I was a bit poorly at the end of the night!
Sunday, 31st January
All felt a bit ropey, Tim had slept in the hammock most of the night and poor Mark and Cara had to be back in Seabird by 11am to work, I couldn't have done it. Jake and Kate came round so we had an afternoon on the beach. Chilled for the rest of the day reading the West Ozzie and watching tv, all very tired. Skyped Flick and Bec, Hannah seemed to find it all quite amusing seeing herself on the screen. Both Bec and Flicks bumps are blooming.
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