Tom and Em's extended honeymoon
Monday, 8th March
Worked today and actually got to have a break which was a first. Rang Essie to see when she wanted to meet up as I'm meant to be working W,T and F this week and she said her husband has just decided that he'll stay and look after them so she now doesn't need me at all, so angry. Work, work, tired, tired, money, money.
Tuesday, 9th March
Worked for Mel, fairly uneventful day.
Wednesday, 10th March
Usual day
Thursday, 11th March
Frank wouldn't start this morning so had the boys at home, they've hired a car for tomorrow so Tim can have a look at him. Nice having company today though. Still trying to sort the Lima to Panama flight, why do the numbers given always end up not working?
Friday, 12th March
What an amazing start the day. On my way home from my jog I noticed two kyaks had stopped just out from the beach, as I got nearer I saw three dolphins swim between them. I rushed home to to see from the balcony, they were playing around not just swimming past like the last ones had so I grabbed the camera and headed down to the beach. They stayed around for about 10 minutes, I could see their fins darting around and occationally they'd jump out a little, amazing to see. Had a nightmare trying to change the Lima-Panama flight, the woman at BA hung up on me! Saturday, 13th March Told Diana at work that I might be leaving soon. Sunday, 14th March Diana told Steff that I might be leaving soon so he's going to go to train alongside me, sorted my pay too. The Queen Mary 2 left Freo port today after stopping over for a night, we could see it from the balcony sailing off into a beautie of a sunset.- comments