Thursday, 14th January
Boys working, I went into Perth and joined up to a job search company and had a look around the City. It doesn't feel so much like a City there's a lot of space around and not all the buildings are skyscrapers so it feels very open. Went down to the Bell Tower on the waterfront and got my bearings.
Friday, 15th January
Tom and I headed down the coast 3 and a half hours to Margter River to see Matt Gadd, Jake and to meet Kate. Had a really good night out in the town and stayed in Sandro and Filipe's (Jake's Italian friends) caravan.
Saturday, 16th January
We got a bit of a rude awakening, after going to bed at around 2am the owner of the caravan park said there had been complaints for 2 nights on the run so they had to move out, gutted. Filipe was at work so Sandro had to pack up everything in the van. When all was finally sorted we headed to Prevelly beach and had a wicked time in the sea which was pretty rough and cold at first. Had lunch in the Sea Garden cafe that Filipe works in overlooking the coast then headed back. The scenery is just like the desert inbetween the towns on the way back, Dan's gone up the coast to Wedge with Tim.
Sunday, 17th January
Very lazy day, Dan came back this afternoon and Tim had a look over Frank who'd overheated quite badly when we got home but he's ok.
Monday, 18th January
Boys working, I walked up to Trigg beach and applied at the cafe/restaurant near the beach.
Tuesday, 19th January
Picked up Dan M (Trig) this evening from the Domestic great to see him, it's been ages.
Wednesday, 20th January
Took Trig up to Trigg beach and had a swim on the way back, current was really strong so weren't in for long. Kate and Jake came round this evening for a few drinks
Thursday, 21st January
Went into Perth with Trigg, managed to find the car registration centre so Frank's officially ours, applied for a few jobs in bookshops and cafes. Tom set up his bank account and got a temporary camera which Dan'll have when we get our new one.
Friday, 22nd January
Got a text from Lisa, Flick and Bec nice to hear from home, Flick and Bec had seen eachother at hospital when getting their scans. Spent 2 hours in the internet cafe applying for bookshop jobs. The boys got Frank fixed this evening, new powersteering pipe so he now drives like a dream. Dan and Trig went went into Perth for the evening. Watched Love Actually made me home seeing all the shots of London.
Saturday, 23rd January
Tom picked up the boys at 5am! Horay, the hammock is up. We were all knackered so had an afternoon nap, woken up by a siren , looking over the balcony the sky had turned a very moody grey and huge swirls of cloud had formed. We noticed everyone was out of the water and found out that a huge bull shark had swum up the beach, won't be swimming today.
Sunday, 24th January
So great to see Paul and Em, Max has grown up so much. We went to the Kiosk cafe on Floreat beach to meet them for a drink then they popped round in the afternoon for some supper. Felt like we were at home and had seen them yesterday, good to catch up on what's been happening back home. Max kept us all entertained pulling funny faces.
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