Saturday, 9th January
Had a look around some more houses in Scarborough and found one that we really liked on the West Coast Highway with great views over the sea so will go for it on Monday and see how we go. Found a Van Park in Forrestfield with a pool for the next 4 days until we've sorted somewhere more permanent. $700 for the 4 nights which is so expensive but we've got our own unit and wouldn't be paying much less for all of us to stay in a hostel and the boys are 5 mins from work so worth it.
Sunday, 10th January
Tom took Dan and I out for a driving lesson to the Airport so we could pick up Dan's phone that he left in the hire car, all went ok, back for a swim, Dan got an Englishman's sunburn with a book mark where he'd been reading.
Monday, 11th January
Tom went off to work early and Dan and I set off to hand in all the paperwork for the flat and ended up getting pretty lost, had a look for jobs then headed back to pick Tom up. Tom seemed to have had a good day and has got Dan a job to start tomorrow so the pressure's on me now. The Estate Agents rang and said we wouldn't be able to let the property for only 3 months so we all went back into Scarborough to look at another place by the sea which is nearer town so we have to wait and see.
Tuesday, 12th January
Had a little sit by the pool and went through the papers for jobs. Cooked my first meal for 4 months, went for a carbonnara.
Wednesday, 13th January
Went with the boys into work so I could bring the car back and get the unit packed up, went Esky hunting then had a swim and sunbathe until I picked up the boys. Horay, everything went well with the flat and we're in, we now live at 18/1 Reserve Street, Scarborough, 6019, Western Australia.
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