Day 14/29 Vega de Valcarce - La Laguna
We only had a short walk planned, mainly due to not being able to get accommodation at O Cebreio, so we settled for La Laguna a few ks shorter.
I bought a fresh loaf, jamon and cheese, some water and the regular bag of almonds so we could make our lunch along the way.
There are also many places that have fresh drinkable water fountains so we can refill our bottles during the day.
It was a really lovely walk today. Through lots of hillside villages and countryside. We climbed approx 500m.
Lots of animal life today. Cat with kitchens, dog with puppies, cows joined us while having lunch. We are walking towards fields of lavender so the colours are beautiful.
La Laguna has the one Albergue and is a good spot with good facilities. We managed to get a private room with shared facilities. Better than no bed at all.
Mike has been tested with his heel and is treating it right. We have heard too many stories of pilgrims who have bashed on with injuries only to have to eventually give up and not get to the end.
I heard from Peggy - she has made it to Sarria and John arrives tonight to finish the walk to Santiago. She’s a speedster!
Vicky & Neil had another day off in Villafranca.
Breakfast / lunch supplies €4
Coffees €2
Bed €35
Dinner €20
We met
Livia from Italy with Dominic from Austria
Irene & Bindy from Cambridge NZ
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