went down south on a mini bus trip today to a beach, there were like 12 of us all wanting the sun sea sand and surf! hehe! it was mad travelling through, we went past these roads of shops that were more like walls with holes in them which people sold goods from! and past grand mansions, then shanty towns, all on the sand dunes and desserts, shanty towns for miiiilleesss...i could never imagin living there!! people come into Lima from the countryside thinkg they´re going to get a better life and better opportunities (Miss. Rogers-a bit like the Brazil study we did), but obviously this isnt the case!
so anyways, we went and checked the surf ion 3 beaches but went back to the second! we got to the top of the hill and as you look down, all you can sea is along the length of the beach, there were like bamboo/wooden cafe things all with big signs and advertising on the side. so we went to the end cafe/bar and as soon as we got on the beach the locals were pulling up cushioned wooden sun loungers, putting up us umbrellas, gave us 2 little low down wooden tables and nuts, then a menu and we ordered food and they brought out 3 tables and put them together behind our sun chairs lol!
the guys surfed anyways but one of the guys dermot, cut all his foot on the rocks ouch!! so some woman came and put onion on it?! :-S lol!! apparently it stops the bleeding! so we came back all singing to stone roses and tracy chapman lol!! and went to the shop to buy food...i cooked and then me and laura argued about...can u believe it...cheese?? we just got on with it though cos theres bigger things to worry about!- comments