15th-Did my police report in Cusco for my camera haha! It was such an effort decribing all that happened!! Then Chris (Tucan guide) went to pick up the actual report later on in the night and apparently the Officer wanted to see say he was such a muppet!
16th-We just had a 7 hour bus ride to Puno...nothing much happened, except i wanted a HUGE furry alpaca hat but the nast woman wouldnt give it to me for 50 soles haha! (admittedly i knocked it down from 150 lol but still). Went on a night out with everyone tonight and had this cool 3coloured cocktail called Machu Piccu and it was yummy! We met this new girl called Kathy who came along with us cos she was on her own! It was soooo funny watching the guys flirt with her haha! Anyways i went back and threw up-NOT good!
So today, we got picked up by our "Limos" as Chris called them, but were actually tuktuks! and we had a tuktuk race and nearly got killed with all the dodgy traffic lmao! So we got to Lake Titicaca and set sail for 2hours to the Taquille Islands! The veiws were stunning; the sparkling lake with floating reed islands and locals saying hola in the brightly coloured clothes! The Taquille Islands were lush aswell, it was really pretty, with pale stone paths, rich green plants, all surrounded by a deep blue lake and bright blue sky! Everytime the path was meanded, the community who fixed it wrote a little message or did a picture using pebbles!
We then went to the Armantiç Islands and Percy, our guide, introduced us to our family we were staying with for the night.
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