Soooo, Martyn has just come back from his glacier walk and is buzzing! He is too lazy to write this so I will interview him for your pleasure.
Rachel: Hi Martyn, lovely to meet you. You are regarded as one of Englands finest Glacier Walkers. How do you respond to comments like these?
Martyn: Hi Rachel, nICE to meet you. Yeah i'd go along with those comments... i showed that glacier who was boss.
Rachel: As most glacier fans know, you need to strap spikes to your shoes and really stamp as you walk on the ice to get a firm grip. Besides the challenging treks you face extreme danger from frost bite, sun burn and also avalanches. Tell our avid readers, what is it that drew you to climb the glacier?
Martyn: I'm not sure really, i suppose it's the feeling of staring danger in the eye and coming out on top. As you know, i like to live life on the edge, but i'll tell you this, i wouldn't want to get too close to the edge of the Fox glacier. Man, there was some unforgiving drops.
Rachel: Well Martyn, this has been a pleasure. We look forward to your photos being published on our site shortly.
Martyn: Peace out brother.
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